Thursday, August 18, 2011

Beer Tasting and Volleyball August 9th

It may look like ballet but its actually beach volleyball.

Beach volleyball was the activity of choice this week. All of our friends are obsessed and we played for hours and hours. 

After getting tired out playing volleyball and swimming, we went back to Nick's apartment for dinner and a beer tasting. Z and I had brought about 10 different beers from California and our trip out. Most notably we supplied Pliny the Elder from Russian River Brewery, one of the top beers in the world which most people had never had the opportunity to taste. The other highlight of the beer tasting was Dark Lord from Three Floyds Brewery in Indiana. Rich, our Dark Lord Supplier for the past two years, generously supplied this year's Dark Lord and we ended our tasting with this beer.

I selected four different cheeses to pair with the wide variety of beer.  Black diamond five year aged cheddar from Canada(sharp, nutty, long lasting finish).  Rogue River Blue from Rogue Creamery in Oregon (Creamy, smooth, salty, fruity and perfect with the IPAs).  Parrano Gouda from Holland (caramely, nutty and creamy).  Delice de Bourgune (my all time favorite triple creme from France).

The home brews that Z and Trevor brought were also big hits.  Everyone was very surprised at the quality and all around tastiness of their beers. 

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